Silsila Noorisha (Chisti-Qadiri)

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Text Box: Silsila Naqshbandi-Haqqani
Text Box: Ihda'
Presenting the reward of one's recitation to the Prophet (s) and to the Shaykhs of the Naqshbandi Tariqat;
Ila sharafi 'n-nabi, salla-Allahu `alayhi wa sallam wa aalihi wa sahbihi 'l-kiraam wa ila arwaahi ikhwanihi min al-anbiya’i wa 'l-mursaleen wa ila arwaahi 'l-a’immati’l arba` wa ila arwaahi mashaykhina fi’t-tariqati-n-Naqshbandiyyati-l-`aliyya khaassatan ila ruhi imami-t-tariqah wa ghawthi 'l-khaliqat khwaja Bahauddin Naqshband Muhammad al-uwaysi al-bukhari, wa ila sultanu 'l-awliya shaykh Abdullah al-faiz ad-Daghestani wa ila shaykhina Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani Mu’ayyad ad-din wa sa’iri sadatina was-siddiqina, al-Fatiha.
O God! Grant that the merit of what we have read, and the light of what we have recited, are (considered) an offering and gift from us to the soul of our Prophet
Muhammad, and to the souls of the prophets, and the saints; in particular the soul of the Imam of the tariqah and arch-Intercessor of the created world, Khwaja
Bahauddin an-Naqshband Muhammad al-Uwaisi al-Bukhari, and our venerable teacher and master, the Sultan of Saints, our Shaykh Abd Allah ad-Daghestani,
and our master Shaykh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani Supporter of the Faith, and to all our masters and to the righteous, al-Fatihah.

© Copyright Salim Noori, Kerala, India 2014